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Import Summary Report Precious Metals & Jewelry -Asia

03 Aug 2017@12:00 AM

Imports of Precious Metals & Jewelry products in the Asia region has followed a similar trend as the world. It witnessed high growth from 2011 to 2013 followed by a dip from 2013 to 2015. High price of gold between 2011- 13 in part contributed to the increase in traded value between 2011-13 since volume increased marginally. The Kingdom experienced a tremendous growth during the same period (2011-15) as it increased its exports to Asia by 135% annually over the last 2 years mainly supplemented by gemstones which grew by almost 450% per year. This report looks into the overall imports of Precious Metals & Jewelry in Asia vis-à-vis the Kingdom’s share in the imports. It also outlines the import potentials in Precious Metals & Jewelry product categories such as Precious metals, gemstones, jewelry and watches. Saudi Exporters are encouraged to carry out in-depth analysis for better insight into import potential of any of these product categories.